Students juggle jobs and grades

Some parents and even a few teachers believe that a part time job is an important part of growing up

Teenagers are not only juggling an enormous amount of school associated stress, but many are also expected to manage a part time job.

But some parents and even a few teachers believe that a part time job is an important part of growing up.

“It can help them obtain valuable work experiences, which are excellent for resumes.” says Christina Peterson, mother of two.  “Plus they will learn how to effectively manage finances, even if they are simply using their earning to pay for their own expenses.”

Part time jobs can often teach teens the importance of various essential traits. For example, punctuality, responsibility and respect. These specific traits are important to have before moving out. However, what happens when jobs start affecting grades?

“Having a job adds a lot of stress because things from school pile up a lot faster, and when you work weekends like I do, you never get that break to catch up,” says Emily Barbas, student and part time employee. “In the end, your grades suffer when in reality that’s what you should be working on.”

Barbas isn’t the only student in this situation. When the workload and difficulty of school courses are considered, a part time job can lead to grades at school changing drastically.

“Depending on the job you have, it can take up a lot of time and can cause issues with completing homework and other assignments essential to being a successful student,” says Hailey Rutherford.

Part time jobs are a perfect way of earning and saving money, along with getting the important experience every job has to offer. Unfortunately, some students can’t manage the grades they need to achieve as well as a part time job.

Campbell River Mirror