Grade 6 late French immersion students at école Harwood Elementary look forward to continuing their education in their second language in the fall: Isla Stiven (clockwise from top), Lanaya Bandy, Rebecca Haberstock, Alice Bond, Spencer Priebe, Alyus Bassi, Jacob Phillips, Lucas Burnham, Jaden Scott, Kayla Riggs and Greenley Schneider.

Grade 6 late French immersion students at école Harwood Elementary look forward to continuing their education in their second language in the fall: Isla Stiven (clockwise from top), Lanaya Bandy, Rebecca Haberstock, Alice Bond, Spencer Priebe, Alyus Bassi, Jacob Phillips, Lucas Burnham, Jaden Scott, Kayla Riggs and Greenley Schneider.

Students take on the French challenge

In just two years, students enrolled in late French immersion at Harwood school are on par with those who started in kindergarten

When I was a kid, I loved school. I loved my classes, loved my teachers and especially loved to learn. However, by the time I was in Grade 5, one thing was missing: a challenge.

Each year I look at my students in late French immersion and think to myself, when I was 11 I would have loved being here: learning a new language, immersing myself in a new setting and being surrounded by motivated peers who shared my passion for learning.

Late French immersion is one of those life-changing, transformational learning experiences that the Vernon School District offers. Students become functionally bilingual in just two short years, doing all of their subjects in French through interactive activities, song and hard work.

Now in its 11th year, Late French immersion welcomes 30 Grade 6 students from around the district to école Harwood Elementary where students complete Grade 6 and 7 in French and then move on to Seaton secondary to pursue a bilingual dogwood.

It is not too late to register for the 2014/15 school year as there are still a few spots remaining. For more information, call Harwood school at 250-542-5385 and I will be happy to answer any questions. Joignez-nous aujourd’hui!

Rita Tedesco is vice-principal and Grade 6 late French immersion teacher at École Harwood Elementary.


Vernon Morning Star