Tap into the maple at Milner

Vancouver Island starting to become known as a place where you can sugar off

Bram Lucieer shows how to tap into a maple tree at last February’s tapping event at Milner Gardens and Woodland.

Bram Lucieer shows how to tap into a maple tree at last February’s tapping event at Milner Gardens and Woodland.

When Canadians think of maple syrup, they usually think of tiny, snowbound Quebec towns. What doesn’t generally come to mind is warm, rainy Vancouver Island.

However, the folks at Milner Gardens and Woodland are slowly trying to change that.

The education process continues on Saturday, Nov. 19, when Milner Gardens presents a special presentation by Bram Lucieer and Harold Macy, the two original maple tree tappers on Vancouver Island.

The pair will detail the reasons why Vancouver Island is a fine place to tap local maple trees and will give tips on how best to do it, including choosing the trees, the tapping process itself and how to boil down the maple tree sap to turn it into Canada’s signature treat. They will also give some advice on how best to take care of maple trees.

The cost to attend is $20 and maple tapping kits will be available for purchase at the site.

The deadline to register as a participant is Nov. 10. Call Kim Hammond, the nursery grower at Milner Gardens and Woodland for more information at 250-752-8573, extension 229.


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