Garden enthusiasts participated in the Children's Garden Club.

Garden enthusiasts participated in the Children's Garden Club.

Teach your children well

Garden club getting ready for new season

Ever since its introduction in Sooke, the children’s garden club has been a resounding success. Kids are curious and eager to learn all they can about planting a garden and reaping the rewards.

The Sooke Childrens’’Garden Club will be holding its first meeting on April 28 and it is hoped all those interested in joining will have registered before that date.

Annie Boquist, one of the founders of the club, said that last year they had 53 kids  and there are already 50 who have shown an interest for this year.

“We have more adults wanting to help as well,” she said. Although they can use more as the kids are split into smaller groups.

“If you like kids and gardening, come help out,” said Boquist.

This year the club will learn more about native wildflowers and with the help of Heather Phillips they will plant some at the William Simmons Memorial Park on Poirier Lake along Otter Point Road. About 7.2 acres was donated by  Erik Sellars St. Clare.  Sellars St. Clare resided on the property known as La Beaumelle, since 1948 and wished to see his property remain as public parkland.

The garden club meets once a month and the participants learn all about herbs, flowers and vegetables along with environmental stewardship, invasive plants, food security and farms.

“And why it’s important to grow your own food,” added Boquist. “We make better gardeners and better citizens.”

Each child is asked to bring along a small garden trowel and if they don’t have one there are plenty to share.

The Sooke Garden Club is sponsored by community organizations such as the Harbourside Lions, Sooke Lions and Rotary.

Sooke News Mirror