Thanks for dinner

Have you heard voices in your newspaper? Have you listened? I mean really, really listened. You can hear warnings and concerns, cheers and accolades, voices to keep us up to date on local current issues and resounding appreciation.

The seniors who attended the annual Bouchie Lake Dinner March 21 say a big thank you for the delicious roast beef dinner and the opportunity to visit with old friends.

In fact we were so busy chatting with those around us that the Windy Reeds Harmonica group may have thought we didn’t appreciate their lively music but one of our ears was taking it in.

The event began 29 years ago when members of the Bouchie Lake Recreation Commission served Christmas dinner to about 20 seniors in their area. Then as seniors moved into town, and roads at that time of year could be unpredictable, the decision was made to serve the dinner near St. Patrick’s Day and open it up to other seniors. At first proceeds of bingo funded the dinner while they were held but now a grant from the Regional District makes it possible to continue. About 250 people were served this year by a team of volunteers made up of Bouchie Lake Recreation Commission members, Rotary and a few Girl Guides. The St. Patrick’s Day theme and the first day of spring was a double reason for good spirits. A number of tickets for carnations were drawn by Gloria Kolenchuk who acted as master of ceremonies.

As suggested, people generously brought non-perishable items for the Food Bank. Captains Jim and Deb Vanderheyden thanked everyone for their great response.

In addition to entertainment by the Windy Reeds were guitarist Denver LaMarsh, a talented 15-year-old Bouchie Lake student, and songs by the Campfire Singers.


As a result of the great response from readers to a recent Seniors Update column requesting odds and ends of wool, Dianne of Fraser Village and other knitters now have all the wool they really need for the time being. This will be used for lap robes, hats and matching scarves for cancer patients. They would like to thank all who donated yarn and want you to know that it is being used.

Speaking of the Cancer Society, April brings daffodils to various outlets to be purchased and raise much needed funds. And what better way to cheer up a shut in than a bouquet of sunny daffodils.

Ruth Scoullar is a seniors’ advocate and regular Observer contributor.


Quesnel Cariboo Observer