The greening of Carihi continues with the development of a community garden

Full-scale garden on school property will be managed and used by a variety of groups

Thanks to a new garden project, Carihi is about to get a little greener.

Jessica Mann, who instructs the cafeteria and baking programs at Carihi, developed the project, which consists of a full-scale garden on school property that will be managed and used by a variety of groups within the school. With the produce going towards lunches for students, students of the cafeteria, baking, and Skills for Life programs will maintain the garden, with other classes, such as Science 9, using the garden as a learning tool within their curriculums.

“The garden is a long term project that will carry on for many years to come. As long as we have interested teachers and students, the garden will survive. The structure we have built is permanent with room to grow.”

Mann plans to get some plants in the ground, build a fence, and set up an irrigation system by the end of the school year, with future goals including a compost system and a green house.

“[It’s] open to all other classes in the school, and hopefully we will have involvement from many departments. Art students can create decorative plant labels and paint a mural. Carpentry students can build a tool shed and green house, and any other class that wants to get involved is welcome to contribute.”

However, Mann emphasizes that the garden is not limited to student involvement. The project is open for parents, guardians, or the community’s expert gardeners to contribute their knowledge and expertise.

If you are interested in the Carihi garden project contact Jessica Mann at

Campbell River Mirror