Sandra Milligan with moon snail egg casing.

Sandra Milligan with moon snail egg casing.



Join the Museum at Campbell River and NIC biologist Sandra Milligan on two Intertidal Walks in July.

On Tuesday, July 14, from 10 a.m. – 12 noon, Milligan will lead a family oriented reef walk in Willow Point.

Kids will be sure to love the exploration and discovery that goes with an Intertidal experience.

You’ll see the ever popular purple sea stars, frilled dogwinkles for the lace-lovers, shield and mask limpets for the superheros.

Special sightings may include the intricate brittle star, slippery saddleback gunnels, and squishy sea cucumbers.

Intertidalling is a unique “growing-up-Campbell River-style” experience that fosters a love of intertidal life in your children that can be rekindled throughout a lifetime.

And then the next day on Wednesday, July 15, from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., Milligan will lead a second walk that will closely examine Marine Molluscs.

Milligan will talk about shells, hinges, torsion and reproduction,  exploring in depth the bivalves, gastropods, polyplacophora, AKA clams, snails and chitons found along our intertidal shores.

Essential equipment includes rubber boots or the acceptance of wet feet for both walks.

Participants need to be able to walk about 1 km, some of which is in ankle-deep water.  Meet at the parking lot on Highway 19A at Larwood Rd.  Leave five minutes to park and walk. You are also asked to respect the business parking at Larwood Plaza.

To register, call the Campbell River Museum at 250-287-3103.

The cost is $30 per family of four, or $15 for adults and $7.50 for kids.

Email with any questions.

Campbell River Mirror