Thiel: Overcome sedentary lifestyle by walking

I guarantee you; you will be amazed at how easy it was to start.

How many times have we heard it—“You need more exercise,” or “You need to become more active.”

Then there is my personal favourite, one I am getting more often than not— “It’s harder to lose the extra weight as you age.” Uggh, talk about adding insult to injury.

What is worse is that we have that voice in our head (usually my wife’s) saying to me: “You know I’m right.”

Yup. She’s right. No denying it. We can’t escape it. We are made for movement. If we don’t, we simply become sick.

Systems in our body begin to acquire deleterious effect when we become sedentary.

Our immune system becomes sluggish and less capable of defending us from would-be attackers.

Our cardiovascular system becomes weaker and our arteries become ‘sticky’ and more likely to inflame.

Our ability to metabolize sugars is less effective which in turn results in us making more fat.

Our hormonal regulation becomes less sensitive.

Our muscles waste and become smaller, lowering our metabolic rate which in turn makes this whole cascade of spiralling even worse—before you know it, we wake one morning with a body we did not intend to have.

Then we ask ourselves: “When did this happen? I used to be so fit?”

It’s a lot like watching your fingernails grow. It is a slow process, we can’t see it, but it is happening at such a slow rate just the same.

This is February, a month we look at our New Year’s resolutions and say: “Oh yea, I was going to do that thing, wasn’t I?”

January was full of good and well meaning intentions. We were serious. But then life continued to happen.

The kids went back to school, the Christmas bills are still there to some degree and the Seattle Seahawks won the Super Bowl. We didn’t count on this back in January.

My mom said it best: Until the age of 25, we get the body we are born with; after 25, we get the body we deserve. Uggh. Another correct female voice in my head. She’s right.

Now what? Well, let’s define “more active.” What is this and what will it cost me?

First, you will need a whopping 30 minutes every day. That’s all. Ready for this? Walk. Make it a routine.

Do it after work or at lunch. Just move. I believe exercise is something you put comfortable shoes on for.

Be careful, though. You may like it and its effects. Walking everyday can lead to other things.

Indeed it is the gateway activity to other dangerous things and it is habit forming.

Before you know it, you are hiking or joining a gym or some activity group like yoga or Tai Chi.

Side effects may include weight loss, sleeping better, more energy, improved immune response, etc.

Of course, this is very tongue in check.

What I am saying is that when you dedicate some, just a little, time to this act of ‘movement,’ you have already started a new process that you will only benefit from.

The beginning of any process that lasts always starts with one thing—a beginning. I guarantee you; you will be amazed at how easy it was to start.

This matter of lifestyle is like the movement of a glacier. It will go in the direction it is pointed and nothing can stop it.

The secret is simple: Choose a direction and move.

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