Think on These Things: Returning to church brings big changes

When I became a teenager I was very rebellious and wanted nothing more to do with my parents’ church

Ronnie Dyck

As a child I was raised to believe in God. I attended church regularly with my parents.

When I became a teenager I was very rebellious and wanted nothing more to do with my parents’ church. I still believed in God but headed down a very destructive path.

It wasn’t long before I was involved in a world of drugs and alcohol and generally things of the world. As a young adult I felt there was something missing in my life. I was involved in a cult for a short period of time but found no answers there.

I even tried returning to my childhood religion but that didn’t work either. After the unsuccessful attempts at filling the empty part of my life I went about the day to day of living no longer searching for answers.

Many years later I tried again. I started listening to a local Christian radio station.

As a musician, the lyrics from the songs I listened to spoke to my heart about how much Jesus loved me. How totally amazing that He would die so I could live!

It was not long after that I gave my life to Jesus.

Did I instantly become a perfect person? Absolutely, no!  Step by step improvements were being made.

First the alcohol was eliminated. Later tobacco was gone out of my life as well and without any withdrawal symptoms with either!

There are still improvements that need to be made as being a Christian is an ongoing process of growth and learning. It isn’t always easy.

There are pitfalls in the path that only God can help me through. But God alone is in charge so I have nothing to worry about only a future with Him to look forward to.

I encourage you to seek Him out wherever you are and whatever you need. He alone has the answers you are looking for.


Clearwater Times