Think On These Things: Scripture gives peace

Scripture continues to give me peace as I notice North American society growing in its acceptance of the irrational

Rev. Michael Kiewett

Clearwater Community Baptist Church

Jesus claimed himself to be ‘the way, the truth and the life’ (John 14:6).  In this statement he is proclaiming himself to be foundation of reality and the hope of the future. It is a passage of scripture that continues to give me peace as I notice North American society growing in its acceptance of the irrational.

For instance I recently heard someone claim, ‘all truth is relative’. At first glance there seems to be nothing wrong with such a statement but if you look closer the statement is assuming that it in itself is true. Thus if all truth is relative then so is the statement that ‘all truth is relative’ and therefore it is not true. The statement is illogical.

Here’s another one. I heard a parent once say to me that she was not going to push any belief on her child but would let them decide what to believe. On the surface such a statement seems neutral but it only has the illusion of neutrality. The parent is actually pushing a belief system on her child that truth is arbitrary and morality, completely subjective. This is a very common belief system among the average sociopath.

This last one is still very popular. ‘Who are you to judge?’ The question is meant to be rhetorical and insinuates that one has no right to make moral judgements about individuals or society. This statement fails in two regards. First, the claim that one has no right to make judgements is itself a judgement and therefore self-refuting. Second, we make moral judgments all the time and thus have the right to judge as rational human beings aware of certain fundamental principles of logic and moral reasoning.

The popularity of such sayings despite their obvious logical flaws points to a society that inevitably embraces the irrational because it has rejected Christ, the personification of truth. John 3:19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.


Clearwater Times