Waldie’s mill in Castlegar depended upon timber from the Lower Arrow Lake from Arrow Park to Robson to provide industrial benefits for the area. With the arrival of Celgar Corporation in the 1950s it too, like all the mills along this waterway, was replaced by a new production centre near Robson.

Waldie’s mill in Castlegar depended upon timber from the Lower Arrow Lake from Arrow Park to Robson to provide industrial benefits for the area. With the arrival of Celgar Corporation in the 1950s it too, like all the mills along this waterway, was replaced by a new production centre near Robson.

This Week in History

This Week in History features a selection of stories from the Arrow Lakes News archives.

  • Oct. 26, 2011 8:00 p.m.

Help to Keep the Telephone Lines Clear

– October 25th 1951

We would like to call to the attention of residents in the community of Nakusp to the inadvisability of calling Central for information when the fire siren sounds.

Being human, it is hard to resist the temptation of asking the telephone operator where the fire is when the dread wail of the siren is sounded. But it appears that this understandable curiosity is the cause of some confusion and delay in allowing the members of the volunteer fire brigade to get on their way.

Worst possible time for such calls is at night. There is only one operator on duty and should the switchboard be flooded with calls she is at a loss to know which are legitimate enquiries and which are prompted by mere curiosity.

The public is asked to refrain from using the telephone except, of course, in an emergency; five minutes after the siren sounds. This give an opportunity to the fire brigade to gather its forces and proceed on its way to the fire.

This seems like a reasonable request and merits the whole-hearted co-operation of everyone in the community.

Sock Mending Competition at Burton W.I.

– October 25th 1951

The regular meeting of the Burton Women’s Institute was held in the Small Hall on Thursday, October 11th. Mrs. J.H. Porter presided and 14 members were present.

The meeting opened with the singing of the Institute Ode.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Financial statement was adopted as read. Correspondence was read and business arising therefrom attended to. News letter was read and proved very interesting.

Roll call (household hints), brought out many useful hints. The sock mending competition was won by Mrs. Dawson and the bread competition was won by Mrs. Larder. We hope that more of the members will enter the competition next time. The W.I. will again sponsor the Christmas Tree collectors to canvass the district were named.

It was decided to hold an annual W.I. Banquet on Nov. 17. This concluded the business.

Mrs. Dawson and Mrs. Larder were the hostesses for the day. They were accorded a hearty vote of thanks in the usual way.

Meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem.

Four Swans Shot Near Nakusp

– October 26th, 1961



A Kaslo and Nakusp man were seen by Mr. Chris Hamling of Box Lake, to have shot four swans on Box Lake. When accosted by Mr. Hamling and advised to report to the Police, they were on their way to do so when Cpl. H.T. Turner, advised by phone, met them on the highway.

The casualties were two adult swans and two young ones.

The men will be charged under the Migratory Birds Convention Act. The RCMP will accept no excuse for shooting, as birds are protected under the Migratory Act.

The Game Department report the whistling swans gathering in unusually large number in Nakusp area, some ‘0 [sic] being counted.


Arrow Lakes News