General Burnham, at back, is in his usual conversational mood at Halcyon while passengers prepare to board the SS Minto.

General Burnham, at back, is in his usual conversational mood at Halcyon while passengers prepare to board the SS Minto.

This Week in History: August 22

This Week in History features a selection of stories from the Arrow Lakes News archives.

  • Aug. 26, 2012 7:00 a.m.

August 25, 1932 – Beer prices rise in B.C.

Effective today, British Columbia beer parlours will pay $1 more per barrel for draught beer, it was announced by the liquor board commissioner today. Half and quarter barrels will be increased proportionately. There will be no increase in the price of bottled beer. With beer parlours making 110 per cent on draught beer and the government only making 25 per cent, the action was taken for a more equitable distribution of profit, and would not result in the increase being passed on to the public either by price or in the way of smaller quantities being served. Beer parlours have up to the present paid $22 per barrel for draught beer. The new price is $23.

August 20, 1942 – Steamer Bonnington

The steamer “Bonnington” recently figured in a deal between the C.P.R. and the government in which the latter has purchased this palatial steamer. Tenders were advertised for its sale, after the boiler had been removed to the ferry boat on the Kootenay. Bids were so low that the government will retain ownership. The Bonnington was built entirely in the Nakusp shipyard and was used until 10 years ago.

August 22, 2002 – Byline Burpy

There is a fire burning in Valhalla Park across the lake from Silverton. Many people see the fire from the highway and report it. The fifteen hectare fire is very high up on Nemo Creek and unless it starts to threaten other values, will not be tackled by the forest service fire fighters. It is policy to watch fires in provincial parks but to let them take its course. So if you see this fire burning and burning and burning, don’t fret, they are keeping an eye on it.


The problem of distances and terrain have again come to the forefront with the bicycle accident in Edgewood on Thursday.

First responders Search and Rescue from Nakusp were called. Four volunteers left their jobs to gear up and travel to Edgewood at high speeds over dangerous roads, cross a ferry but by the time they got there, ambulance crews and volunteers had lifted the patient from where he had crashed, so the SAR team was not needed.

Each of those men lost a couple of hours of work because of many factors. Perhaps if there was a better communication system they could have been turned around before they all got all the way out to Edgewood. Things can only improve.


Arrow Lakes News