Time to think daffodils

  • Feb. 25, 2011 5:00 a.m.


ere are the highlights of our February meeting.

The Prince George office of the Canadian Cancer Society now has a Borrowing Library that features DVDs, videotapes, and books.  The list of items in the library is available at the Quesnel Unit office.

Our roster of office volunteers is somewhat diminished at present, and we are considering reducing the number of hours per week that the Quesnel Unit will be open.

Daffodils for our Daffodil Campaign will arrive at the Quesnel Unit office the end of March.  Businesses and others may pre-order cut flowers. A fax will be sent out to all Quesnel businesses during the first week of March.  Alternatively, businesses and others may call the office at 250-992-5661 before March 11 to order daffodils.

Relay For Life Kicked off on Feb. 16 with 25 teams attending the first information night.  Among the topics discussed was the theme for 2011, Celebrate your Super Heroes.  As well, information was given out about how a team can win a luxury tent all ready to use on Relay Day.  Team packages are now available at the Quesnel Unit office.  Now is the time to get your team started.  Every step you take will help save lives.  For information on Relay For Life and how you can join the fight, call Cathy, 250-747-2510 or Loreana (Survivors), 250-747-0599.

We received information that the “Tanning is Out” campaign is established in Quesnel schools.  This campaign is meant to warn young people of the dangers of using tanning salon facilities and of prolonged exposure to the sun.

Our March meeting takes place at noon at the Quesnel Unit office on Front Street on March 9.  We are always pleased to welcome new members.

Olive Walsh is a volunteer with Canadian Cancer Society, Quesnel branch.


Quesnel Cariboo Observer