Retired engineer Don Myers will lead the next Philosopher’s Cafe discussion.

Retired engineer Don Myers will lead the next Philosopher’s Cafe discussion.

Towards a sustainable economic model

So the question is how can we curb that growth? What type of economy would this require?

Continuous growth in material standard of living has long been the primary goal of world economies and government policy.

It is the key driver that fuels the free enterprise market based system. However, the earth is a finite planet with limits to its physical resources. It also has a surface environment which has evolved over millions of years and depends on the balance of many natural processes for its stability. The by-products of our growing industries disrupt that balance.

The next Philosopher’s Cafe discussion on Oct. 14 from 7-8 p.m. at Berwick by the Sea starts with the assumption that growth of material consumption cannot continue without serious destructive consequences.

So the question is how can we curb that growth? What type of economy would this require?

Can economic growth happen without expanding material consumption? What would motivate people to be innovative and hardworking in such a system?

How would the existing gap between the rich and poor play out?

Bring your suggested solutions, questions or considerations

Don Myers is a retired Mechanical Engineering with a long career in the oil and gas industry.  until retirement.

Since retiring to Comox, he has been involved in various activities including surface water management on the family farm land back in Saskatchewan. He has also developed a strong interest in the environmental and social impacts of the global economy.

Though not an expert or published author on this subject, he will share some of his findings and concerns to start our discussion on this complex issue.

Join Myers in a discussion on how the fundamentals of our current economy could be changed to a more sustainable model.

Guest moderator Bill Fradgley will then open the floor for what looks to be a very engaging topic for a lively discussion at Philosophers’ Cafe.

Once a month a speaker will introduce a theme to the Café, and then all who attend can join in respectful, non-partisan conversation, or just sit back and listen.

You are welcome to propose topics and introduce them at future Cafés.

As with each Café, Myers will have just 10 minutes to introduce the topic, and then the floor is open for 50 minutes of moderated discussion.

Campbell River Mirror