Students prepare for exam week by taking advantage of after-school tutoring.

Students prepare for exam week by taking advantage of after-school tutoring.

Tutoring provides some relief

Carihi offered after-school tutoring three times a week for students who need help with exam preparations

Exams are just around the corner for Campbell River high school students and revisions are constantly being pushed to the last minute.

Carihi offered after-school tutoring three times a week for students who need help with exam preparations. And it seemed to help kids a lot.

“It’s a nice and quiet area to study and work by yourself, or with your friends if they’re not in your classes. Having a teacher there who can help if you need it is also nice,” says Julianna, a Grade 10 student.

She also says, “it’s a good incentive to actually do your work, because a lot of the time I don’t get stuff done at home.”

It’s a stressful subject that people often forget about, but studying is a big part of any high school student’s life, and kids often forget about exam week until it’s already there.

Chariti Stewart says that “a lot of kids really need the time to work after school, even if it didn’t help me personally.”

Cramming for forgotten subjects can be seen in classrooms and outside of them too, and Austin, a Grade 10 student, says “it’s going to take me at least six hours of studying for one of my exams and we crammed a lot of information in at the last few weeks in a couple of classes.”

After-school tutoring is certainly helping a lot of students get through the stressful and tiring weeks leading up to exams and will pay off once exams actually take place.

“I only went once and really it was more to work on overdue assignments than everything else,” says Hayley Ellis.

Even just an environment free of distractions and temptations could help a student get their work done before exams, despite what a daunting topic it might seem like.

Campbell River Mirror