Volunteer Centre: Courses at Kelowna Community Resources

A variety of volunteer managers will be sharing with you the impact of getting involved with their agencies in the coming weeks.

During the next 14 weeks this column will have a slightly different flavour. A variety of volunteer managers will be sharing with you the impact of getting involved with their agencies.

Learn more about their mission and vision for our community. Look for a fit with your skills and experience. Make some new connections and rise to a fresh challenge.

Looking toward the fall, before you get into ‘summer mode,’ think about signing up for training to expand your knowledge and skills in two areas—fund development and volunteer management.

Fund Development Overview is a brand new course being offered Sept. 29-30 and Oct. 6-7 at a cost of $199.

What will you gain for your time and money?

Become familiar with terms, themes and trends. Build your case for support. Nudge first time donations into repeat annual giving.

Encourage consistent donors, major gifts and planned giving; assess earned income.

Explore corporate, foundation and government grants. Develop long-term stewardship relationships and set up strategic plans.

All of this is accomplished in a small group setting under the direction of facilitators who are themselves experienced in the field of fund development.

The Overview Of Volunteer Management course costs $199 and runs October 27-28 and November 3-4.

This course is for you if: You want to move into the volunteer management field; you are doing the work and need some fresh ideas; want to remain current with best practices.

You will learn the latest facts and trends, practice interpersonal communication skills, discuss program management including risk avoidance, consider screening protocols, brainstorm orientation and training ideas, review supervision and retention practices, and select solid evaluation for your agency.

Sign up for these courses at www.kcr.ca, community services, workshops and training.

Kelowna Capital News