Volunteer Centre: Help make medical equipment available

The Health Equipment Loan Program helps bring a sense of independence to people struggling to regain their health.

Illness, surgery or injury can unexpectedly affect a person’s ability to get around and borrowing medical equipment while recuperating can make such a difference.

By getting involved in the Health Equipment Loan Program run by the Canadian Red Cross you can help bring a sense of independence and confidence to people struggling to regain their health.

There are four volunteer roles available for you to consider.

Data entry volunteers track client information and loan activity on the computer, run reports and maintain inventory records. Excellent customer service is offered to clients in-person and over the phone.

Equipment cleaning and maintenance volunteers inspect equipment for damage and perform routine maintenance. This means tightening screws, nuts, bolts and belts as well lubricating and replacing broken or worn-out parts.

An inventory of replacement parts is maintained and all equipment is adequately labeled and numbered. Each piece of equipment is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before being made available for loan.

Operations team leaders help manage the lending and receiving of equipment, adherence to policies and procedures, record keeping, equipment maintenance and customer service.

Volunteer management team leaders assist in recruitment, training, supporting, scheduling, and evaluating other volunteers. They also provide support to other team leaders.

All volunteers receive job specific training and become familiar with Red Cross programs so they can act as a resource for the community.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Marie McKiernan, Client Service Suppport Coordinator for the Canadian Red Cross. You can phone 250.491.8443 ext 201 in Kelowna or 250.768.8965 in West Kelowna. Her email address is marie.mckiernan@redcross.ca.

Wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, canes and bathroom equipment are loaned on a short-term basis to people of all ages. A referral from a regulated health care professional is needed to access specific equipment needed.

Go to kcr.ca and click on Volunteer Opportunities Search to create your volunteer profile. View all the Volunteer Centre columns at: kcr.ca/volunteercolumn.

250-763-8008, ext 24



Kelowna Capital News