Volunteer Centre: Join in the fun of the Fat Cat Festival

Fat Cat Children’s Festival happens June 6 and 7 at Waterfront Park, Kelowna.

This is one event you won’t want to miss. The 23rd annual Fat Cat Children’s Festival happens June 6 and 7 at Waterfront Park, Kelowna.

You can help create a safe place for groups to children to have fun, be immersed in artistic expression, and make memories.

So maybe you have heard of the Interior Savings Fat Cat Children’s Festival but don’t know what it has to offer our community and where you can make a difference.

There is a School Day on Friday, June 6, 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Students in kindergarten through Grade 6 from across the region, including SD #23 schools, private schools and home-schoolers, participate in a full day of top notch entertainment and hands-on activities.

You can greet children and teachers to make them feel welcome. Check in schools as they arrive, patrol the gate or answer questions at the information booth.

Everyone loves a parade. On Saturday, June 7, 10–11:30 a.m., this parade engages kids as spectators and as active participants. A young parade marshall will be chosen to lead the way.

You can join the fun and help keep children safe. Be a parade assistant, help with parade traffic control set up or act as a parade traffic control marshall.

Community Day runs Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. There are stage performances, street performers and hands-on activities. It’s a great day of enjoyment for the family, from grand children to great grandparents.

Help in the Green Room, oversee volunteer performer tents, run the hot dog barbecue and candy machine, or assist with in the Crafty Cats Tent.

Paint faces, create crazy hairstyles for children with spray on colours, help in the Sticky Tactile Sensory Booth, organize kids for Pottery Fun In The Mud, or support the facilitator in Zhen’s Dragon Lair.

For more information: www.fatcatfestival.ca or fatcatvolunteers@gmail.com.

Kelowna Capital News