Volunteer: Mentor newcomers to Canada

Kelowna Community Resource’s Immigrant Services is looking for volunteers for its new Employment and Settlement Mentorship programs.

Like seeds planted in the spring, people too sometimes need a little assistance in building a strong foundation for future growth and success and that is where you come into the picture.

Are you interested in sharing Canadian culture with someone new to Canada? Does learning about diverse cultures in your own community intrigue you? Do you enjoy sharing your passion for your field of work with others?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, becoming a mentor for a newcomer to Canada may be just the new volunteer opportunity for you. Kelowna Community Resource’s Immigrant Services is looking for volunteers like you for its new Employment and Settlement Mentorship programs.

The Employment Mentorship Program matches working volunteer mentors with skilled immigrants. Mentors then assist their mentee to develop job search skills, expand professional networks and quicken their understanding of Canadian workplace culture.

Similarly, the Settlement Mentorship Program matches individuals or families with newcomers to assist them with learning about Canadian culture and building connections in Kelowna.

Although “mentorship” is a part of the name, consider it to be more of an exchange. Not only do you as a mentor receive the satisfaction of assisting someone, but you receive various benefits such as meeting interesting people from around the world, developing your cross cultural communication skills, as well as leadership and coaching skills.

You might even make a friend or two.

If you are interested in either of these opportunities, you can contact Marriana (Employment Mentorship) at Marriana@kcr.ca, 250-763-8008 ext 135 or Aimee (Settlement Mentorship) at Aimee@kcr.ca, 250-763-8008 ext. 140.


Kelowna Capital News