Volunteers make all the difference

Canadian Cancer Society, Quesnel Unit values the people who commit to the cause

  • Jan. 23, 2013 11:00 a.m.
Anne Burgess is one of many Canadian Cancer Society volunteers in Quesnel.

Anne Burgess is one of many Canadian Cancer Society volunteers in Quesnel.

We are the core of Canadian Cancer Society

Quesnel unit; familiar faces in this community. Your friends? neighbours? co-workers? We have become a rather cohesive team of very special volunteers helping very special clients.

However, it’s time for a change.

Leadership roles are getting harder to fill as those Unit members who could perhaps be successors, are themselves about to retire.  Role change within the membership is, therefore, not an option.

The  core of office members mentioned is only a fraction of what  visitors and clients see at the office.  Countless unsung heroes who are regularly calling members, ordering and sorting pamphlets doing maintenance jobs and helping the Unit through our special events at Christmas, Easter, May and August.

Our office at 332 Front Street is open Monday – Friday, 11a.m. – 3 p.m. We welcome browsing visitors and especially prospective volunteers with new ideas and energy.

Come visit or call at 250 992 6551 to arrange an appointment to see us.

Meet some of our valued volunteers:

Jean Muir

Jean is a 15-year volunteer of  this unit.  She knows a lot of people. Most Quesnelites know her as proprietor of a popular lunch bar that used to be on Reid Street. Lately, she has also become known as a top Avon Lady. Small wonder that she heads the organizing committee for unit luncheons. Thursday is her day as office volunteer. She participates wholeheartedly in Unit events and fundraising endeavours.

Ron Campbell

Where Ron is, wife, Betty,  is likely to be.  Ron has held the position of president for more than two terms and currently  is interim president; he is sometimes even his own secretary at Unit meetings these days; occasionally,  he spares at the office.

Cathy Briggs

Needless to say Cathy is known to many. She has been with the Unit more than five years as   Relay For Life and Unit fundraising organizer.  Recognizing her amazing potential as a fundraiser, the  CCS Regional Office in Prince George “borrowed” her for a bit.

Vera Krokosh

Vera has volunteered with CCS Quesnel Unit for more than 12 years. She has been a dedicated Monday office volunteer. Now, one will meet her on Tuesday. She offers a cheerful laugh or a joking comment for a fellow volunteer, the client, caller and visitor alike.

Jeannette Hansen

This lady has been an able unit treasurer for a number of years.  She has yet to report a budget in the red.

Rosina Wood, Sheryl Urquhart and Beth Cyr (left to right)

You are likely to see Rosina at the office on Fridays. Sheryl is the Wednesday volunteer, with more than five years as a great office manager as well as experience as an organizer for unit fundraising efforts. Beth is there wherever she is needed for fundraising.

Anne Burgess (that’s me)

Yours truly.  A client, caller or visitor will likely be dealing with me on Mondays.  I am a regular fixture in this unit and have held pretty well all the unit leadership positions, except for treasurer.  A Jack of all trades,  I have now accepted three hats – office manager, volunteer coordinator and  poster maker/advertiser.

Gertie Geraud

Gertie looks after In Memorium donations.  Her ‘second hat’ now is looking after and ordering pamphlets.

Glenda Allen

A familiar face at the office for a long time, Glenda has now returned to volunteer on Mondays. Anyone who ever opens the topic of politics or the good ol’ days, is in for some profound discussion. She is an avid non-fiction magazine/book reader and she surfs the web regularly.

Betty Campbell

A spare for the office and assistant treasurer, Betty is a busy lady organizing Christmas goodies to sell at the last two Farmers’ Christmas Markets at the Rec Centre.

Betty is also part of

a trio that puts together luncheons for the unit.

– submitted by Anne Burgess, CCS volunteer.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer