Barb Boehmer, Sharon Gardner and Sandra Jackson, along with Loretta Munro (not pictured) are all volunteers from RCMP Victim Services who were the recipients of the Heartfelt Award during Tuesday's council meeting at City Hall.

Barb Boehmer, Sharon Gardner and Sandra Jackson, along with Loretta Munro (not pictured) are all volunteers from RCMP Victim Services who were the recipients of the Heartfelt Award during Tuesday's council meeting at City Hall.

Volunteers who help victims honoured

When the big brass from the local RCMP showed up for a volunteer recognition session last week at city hall, it signalled the contributions of the volunteers are highly valued.

When the big brass from the local RCMP showed up for a volunteer recognition session last week at city hall, it signalled the contributions of the volunteers are highly valued.

Mayor Sharon Gaetz honoured four volunteers from RCMP Victim Services with a Heartfelt Award last week and thanked them for their dedicated service to the community.

Recipients included Barb Boehmer, Sharon Gardner and Sandra Jackson, who picked up their pins at the opening of the council meeting. Loretta Munro was also honoured but unable to attend in person.

“You really have no idea the scope of what these women do until you need their services,” said Cst. Tracy Wolbeck. “From going through stressful court proceedings with people, to delivering next of kin notifications with us, they do it all simply because they care about people and want to help.

“As an organization, we are so fortunate to have these people on our side.”

In attendance at the council awards presentation were Chilliwack RCMP Supt. Keith Robinson, Insp. Hilton Smee and Staff Sgt. Gerry Falk.

Chilliwack Progress