We all worship something

Edgar Unrau of Calvary Baptist Church in Chemainus discusses what we worship in his Points to Ponder column.

We do.

We all worship something.

Or, it could be said another way — we all live for something or someone.

If that something or someone were suddenly taken away, and we question whether life is worth living, that is the thing or person that is most important to us. That’s what we worship. And we all worship something.

An example is the economy (disclaimer: I do not pretend to be an economist. My comments are based on media reports).

The automotive industry crisis during 2008-2010 threatened nearly 130,000 jobs in Canada, which if lost, would have brought an incredible blow to our economy. So loans and lines of credit were offered by our government to the Big Three Car Companies. Plus, consumers were encouraged to purchase vehicles through incentives like no-interest loans and cash back offers. Many consumers stepped up and purchased vehicles, which helped restore the strength of our economy.

Recently, personal debt figures were publicly released.

Excluding mortgages, the average Canadian owes just over $26,000. Car loans increased 12 per cent, compared to 2011 numbers.

When the economy needs help, consumers often step up.

With this rise of personal debt, perhaps it’s more accurate to say that on an individual level, we are worshipping our own comforts, desires, and wants rather than the economy, however tightly the two are linked.

We are all living for something or someone — ourselves, our children, a job, etc. Yet, everything is temporal. It’s only here for a short while. Death makes sure of that.

So, why do we spend all we’ve got on worshipping the temporary?

You know where I’m going with this.

All that we worship is temporary — except the worship of God as He has revealed Himself in the Bible.

The more I get to know Him, the more I see how void the economy, my comfort, my kids, work, play and myself measure up. Yes, these are valuable people and things. But they don’t measure up in comparison to the All Mighty God.

I invite you to evaluate your life. Find out what it is you live for.

And remember — there is more than the here and now.

Ladysmith Chronicle