We have so much talent in our Lakes District and area

It’s Monday morning, the start of another week and a very busy weekend left behind us

Another very busy weekend left behind us. Although it was busy it was a lot of fun too. Everyday to me it a good day for me to enjoy.

Through my life I have met so many wonderful people and their friendship is so very special. Lots of very fond memories to go along with the many years of knowing you all.

The Francois Lake Hall committee were very pleased with their garage sale last Saturday.

There seemed to be so much that folks donated to be sold off. Lots of very good useful things. Although there were other sales in the area the Francois Lake hall did very well.

Our hall is so important to our community and this sale will be a shot in the arm for them.

Great concert

What a pleasant surprise and what a surprise it was on Friday evening last at the high school gym to have my niece Renay and her musical group of singers and musicians give us a wonderful two hour program of singing and music.

I did not know what to expect until the whole group came onto the stage. My heart just about stopped as I just had no idea.

This is such a talented group of singers and musicians and we hope will be back in July for the Grassy Plains blue grass celebration.

My heartfelt thanks to my family, the arts council members and Richard Cannon, who was the organizer of it all, did a great job. After the show everyone came to our home for the night.

What a wonderful time we all had, lots of talking and visiting and of course lots of hugging.

The hours slipped by so fast. The group had to leave early in the morning as they had other engagements along the way home to Calgary. Our home just came to life again with so much love with such wonderful people.

Sick minds

In our last paper there is a picture of a $65,000 truck belonging to Sullivan motors destroyed by thieves. This truck was brand new, such a waste and such a loss… this was no doubt an act of vandalism big time.

What thrill can anyone get destroying peoples property. Sick minds is all I can say. This kind of thing goes on more often than we realize.

My neighbours son, who lives in Alberta, had his beautiful one ton truck stolen and when it was located it was destroyed, windows broken out, windshield smashed, doors all broken, inside all destroyed, another act of vandalism.

This was a top of the line vehicle with all the extras on it, just nothing left of such a priceless vehicle. Another act of people with sick minds who enjoy destroying other peoples property.


On Sunday afternoon at the First Mennonite church the Lakes District Choir and friends presented their annual spring concert.

There were folk songs from near and far and through the ages. What a pleasant afternoon with music and singing to suit everyone’s taste.

The Chambermaids from the Southside also presented great songs that everyone enjoyed. There was also some solo singing as well. What talent we have in our Lakes District. We are proud of you. Paula was host for the afternoon and as per her usual she does such a wonderful job.

This performance was a windup of the season for the choirs and they will be ready to go again in the fall. They will welcome new members for the choir and also would like to recognize the arts council for their support in advertising and also to the First Mennonite church for giving the choir space for their practicing.

At heart I’m really an old country, western and blue grass boy, but through the many years I have listened to the choir singing I have got to love and enjoy it very much.

I always look forward to their wonderful concerts. There is an old saying “You can’t teach and old dog new tricks” but that’s not always true.

Yes, I did sing in the Lakes District Choir many years ago and I loved it but my ears started to play tricks on me so I backed out but not without feeling bad.

They were good years for me and I missed it. The members of the Lakes District Choir are almost like a big family. It was not only the singing I enjoyed but the friendly atmosphere that went along with it.


In our last paper I noticed that Dr. Allan Hill is leaving us due to family matters at home.

There is no doubt he will be missed as he was not only a good doctor but a good friend. Although he was not our doctor I always enjoyed our short visits whenever I would bump into him.

Let’s hope his family matters are not to serious.

Arena expansion

Maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree but reading between the lines this arena expansion seems to be a huge expensive project when I see the vast amount of money that’s going into this expansion.

We are also planning for a new hospital that I feel is the most important project we will have at the present time.

I ask this question which is the most important the arena expansion or a new hospital? Don’t worry as I won’t mention it anymore.

A little story

In a town in the U.S. there was a medium sized church and it needed a new roof. The minister brought it up to the members to help finance and help with the work. “Please stand up those who are willing.” Nobody stood up. As there was a new organist that Sunday she started to play their national anthem. Everyone in the church stood up. The minister said “Thanks, I guess were get our new roof.”

Have a safe week and enjoy the spring I know I will. Always remember God loves you and so do I, this is a true promise.


Burns Lake Lakes District News

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