We like to party

Kitimat is the place to be for a glorious, red and white Canada day

We like to party

When it comes to celebrating Canada’s birthday, nowhere in the Northwest does it like Kitimat. Which is why every year our party draws visitors from across the region. Making sure the day-long celebration gets off to a satisfying start will be the Kitimat Kiwanis club with its delicious pancake breakfast  from 7 a.m. until 11 a.m. At 12 noon the Kitimat Kinsmen’s Club parade takes pride of place as it meanders through the cheering throngs from Mountainview Square to the Riverlodge Community Centre. This the fifteenth consecutive year the Kinsmen have organized the parade and this year the theme  is ‘Building the Future’. Spectators can be sure of a colourful and imaginative show as floats, bikes, horses and marching groups vie for the awards that will be handed out once it’s all over. By which time you’ll probably be ready to eat again, and the International Food Fair offers just what you need. The array of ethnic delicacies available – reflecting the multicultural character of Kitimat – has rightly made this event famous. But leave room for a piece of the giant birthday cake offered by the Girl Guides Trefoil Guild which can be found in the Riverlodge gym. Now settle back and enjoy a stage show featuring numerous talented entertainers from the area, including singers, musicians and dancers. The stage show program also takes time to honour and recognize individuals and groups for community service and achievements at provincial, national and international levels in sports and the arts. But wait, there’s more. The Kids Fun Zone will have activities for kids of all ages including face painting, pie in the face, balloons, clowns and tons of  prizes. And the day will wind up with an explosive fireworks finale. For the final list of events and times, check with the Visitor Information Centre upon arrival.

Kitimat Northern Sentinel