Active kids are happy kids during the summer.

Active kids are happy kids during the summer.

What are your kids doing this summer?

While surfing the net and playing video games are popular out-of-school activities for children and teens, the summer provides many great opportunities for families to be active. Engaging in physical activity as a family is a great way to spend quality time together while becoming healthy and fit. Parents who engage in exercise with their kids are role models and help children develop healthy habits.

While surfing the net and playing video games are popular out-of-school activities for children and teens, the summer provides many great opportunities for families to be active. Engaging in physical activity as a family is a great way to spend quality time together while becoming healthy and fit. Parents who engage in exercise with their kids are role models and help children develop healthy habits.

The sunshine makes getting outside easier – but it is important to take precautions. Wear sunscreen and drink plenty of water. On the very hot days, try to exercise in the morning or evening when the temperature is cooler.

The following are examples of the many activities you can plan for your family in Chilliwack.

Go for a family bike ride. To make the outing more enjoyable, pack a picnic and enjoy lunch by the Vedder or Hope River.

Plan a family adventure weekend. Camping, hiking, canoeing and mountain biking are great ways to increase your activity level. Cultus or Chilliwack Lake are great places to go canoeing. Nearby, you can hike Tea Pot hill or up to Lindeman Lake.

Participate in a run or walk for charity. As a family, plan some training sessions leading up to the event.

Join up with other families to organize a game of capture the flag, tag, or a water fight. Stage a fun competition to get kids enthused to participate. If you are planning a family event, have your child invite a friend. The more fun children have, the more likely they will want to partake.

Go to the waterslides. There is no better way to cool off on a hot summer day. Although you may not burn too many calories on the way down, climbing the stairs to get up is a great way to get exercise.

Try a new activity together – golf, tennis, and Frisbee are great activities to do outside.

Go for a walk. Walks do not take much planning, and can be fun for the whole family – dog included!

This summer, keep fit and healthy as a family-get out of the house!


Tanja Shaw is a Kinesiologist and personal trainer, specializing in weight loss, group fitness, pre and postnatal fitness, and health and wellness programs. She owns Ascend Fitness Coaching, which offers Boot Camps, mom and baby fitness classes and personal training in the Chilliwack area. Reach her at

Chilliwack Progress