He’s near and dear to many people’s hearts, Mr. Tyee is part of a temporary exhibit at the Museum at Campbell River.

He’s near and dear to many people’s hearts, Mr. Tyee is part of a temporary exhibit at the Museum at Campbell River.

What makes an artifact?

The Museum at Campbell River has an intriguing new exhibit

The Museum at Campbell River has an intriguing new exhibit entitled Our Favourites and Unexpected Treasures, on from now until Sept. 14.

Unlike most exhibits, this one does not focus a single topic, but instead provides an opportunity for museum staff to bring their favourite things out of storage and put them on display.

Characters like Mr. Tyee, who is rarely seen outside of special events and who lives at the museum, has come out of the storage room as a staff favourite. Other staff favourites are also found throughout the permanent exhibits; indicated by a white star.

The question is often asked: why does a museum collect what it does? It may be surprising what ‘things’ are most interesting to a museum. There are several factors to consider when collections staff are making their choices, but often whether or not a piece has monetary value can be the least important factor.

Through this temporary exhibit Museum staff share some of their personal choices in the collection, and give you a glimpse into some of the ‘behind the scenes’ work they do.

The Museum, at 470 Island Highway, is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily until the end of September.

Campbell River Mirror