Where did the time go?

Even 15 minutes in the morning can be a blessing in some cases

A few people may consider the snooze button the best invention of all time, though a lot of people aren’t able to use it.

Even 15 minutes in the morning can be a blessing in some cases, and with Timberline Secondary and Carihi Secondary having differing start times, it might seem like a drastic difference to a student.

“I don’t think that changing the start of school to an earlier time would be convenient for the students,” says Austin Chiasson, a Carihi student. “While it would allow some to start later, others would still catch the early morning buses and would have to wait an extra 20 minutes to start school.”

Carihi’s last morning bell is at 8:40 a.m., while Timberline’s is at 8:55, and even that can change someone’s morning.

“I think that starting early could negatively impact one’s life because, on average, people need around 8-10 hours of sleep, which is hard to sustain considering the fact that lots of teens are staying up trying to finish homework, and some of us live farther away from school and don’t have vehicles, licences or parents to drive us and have to walk, or take a bus,” says Tianna McDonald, a student at Timberline Secondary.

Although there is only a 15 minute difference between the bell schedules, it could make a huge impact on a student’s routine.

“Starting earlier than we do means you have to wake up that much earlier, which is that much sleep, and every teenager I know has troubles getting up in the morning,” says Jordan Holling, a Timberline student.

Campbell River Mirror