Winter melts away at Nicholson Elementary

Principal of Nicholson Elementary School gives an update on what students have been up to.

  • Mar. 9, 2013 11:00 a.m.

Janne Arlt

Principal Nicholson Elementary

As winter melts away and we spring into the final term of school, we took one last opportunity to enjoy some outdoor winter sports.

Our Gr. 4 to 7 students went up to Kicking Horse Mountain Resort to do some skiing and snowboarding last Wednesday.  For many students this was a first time experience with the sport and a first chance to be at our local ski hill. It takes a great deal of time and effort to organize a day like this and we appreciate the work of Mr. Andrew McCarthy and Mrs. Nancy Watson in doing so. We also could not offer this experience to our students without the help of several staff and adult volunteers that supervise the students and accompany them in the afternoon, after their morning lesson. Thank you to everyone that helped out!

All of our Grade 1 to 7 students were able to enjoy a class trip to the Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club as part of the gymnastics units taught recently at school. Students enjoyed the specialized equipment and space at the club’s facility, as well as benefiting from the expertise of their talented coach, Christine Muise. It was a great experience for each of the classes and we appreciate the willingness of the club and Coach Christine to accommodate our students, as well as our PAC for paying for the cost of the visits.

Many of our primary students have been participating in a soccer tournament every Tuesday at lunch time.  The tournament wound up yesterday with the championship game. Thanks to Mr. Jim Halvorson and his Gr. 4/5 students for organizing, coaching, refereeing and cheering on the teams.

Some students from Edgewater Elementary School are coming to visit Nicholson and play some basketball with our Gr. 5/6/7 students.  In the fall, our students travelled to Edgewater to play volleyball so this is our opportunity to host them.  Mr. Andrew McCarthy is our basketball coach and also the organizer of this fun event.

Our Nicky Bopper skipping club is into their 2013 season now. We want to thank those that supported their fundraising ‘cookbooks and bake sale’ at the Farmer’s Market on Feb. 23. If you see any Nicky Boppers selling cookbooks, you should know that proceeds go to the PAC that pays for the purchase of t-shirts, specialty ropes and trips to workshops and other schools to share their skipping skills.

Second term report cards were sent home last Friday. We encourage parents not to hesitate to contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions, concerns or just wish to discuss your child’s progress.

If you have a child starting kindergarten in September 2013, you can register your child at the school any morning from 8 a.m.-12 p.m. and on Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 1:00 to 4:00. A birth certificate and Care Card is required for registration. Registering early helps us in our planning and setting up classes for next year.

Spring Break starts at the end of this week. School resumes on Tuesday, April 2, after Easter Monday.  Enjoy the longer days and warmer sunshine as we move into our spring term!

Golden Star