Work and school: how much is too much?

Sometimes all of the work that piles up can become very stressful

“Yes, working interferes with a lot of aspects in my life. I have to fit myself around the work, rather than have work fit around me,” says Morgan McManus, a student at Carihi.

For graduation, every student needs 30 community service hours, and depending on their schedule, those may be hard to come by.

Any student can receive these hours by working for an employer, or volunteering with an association, which is an easy feat, right? It may be, but is all of the time spent working really worth the extra income? Is there ever a point, in a teenager’s life when working, going to school, and having a social life at the same time becomes too much?

Although having a job is an excellent source of income and experience, sometimes all of the work that piles up can become very stressful.

“It’s essential that before a student gets a part-time job, that they understand how to juggle schoolwork and work hours in order to fully succeed,” says Etana Russell. “Having a job requires great responsibility, and this is sometimes a responsibility that adolescents lack.”

A few students from Carihi Secondary that have part-time employment state that they like working, and had an average of eight hours per week over two-to-three shifts. They say that the main reason for employment is for the income and the experience comes second. The hardest part is finding the job more than getting the full 30 hours for graduation. As well, they agree that even though sometimes it can be tough,working teaches them commitment and responsibility.

Therefore, there are as many perks as there are downfalls, and despite this, high school students will continue to make choices for their future as active community members.

Campbell River Mirror