Heath Fletcher, with Sproing Creative, hired and trained Krystal with support from a WorkBC program.

Heath Fletcher, with Sproing Creative, hired and trained Krystal with support from a WorkBC program.

WorkBC offers a boost for employers and to employees

The Wage Subsidy Service at Community Futures is a great way to help both job-seekers and those who are hiring

Editor’s note: the following is the second in a series from Community Futures celebrating Disability Employment Month.

Through the Wage Subsidy Service at Community Futures, the local WorkBC office, Selena Stearns has the opportunity to support employers and those seeking employment.

“Being able to provide an employer with a financial incentive as well as support someone who might lack work experience has been very rewarding,” said Stearns.

The Wage Subsidy Service assisted Krystal, a job seeker, with approaching a potential employer in a new industry.

“I was stuck in an endless cycle of dead-end jobs, retail management that was running me ragged, and just plain unhappy,” said Krystal. “I had finished school with an associate of arts degree but had no certifications to prove I could do anything reasonably skillful.”

With some encouragement and a connection made through the Wage Subsidy advisor, Krystal was introduced to Sproing Creative, where she was interviewed and then hired.

Krystal said she feels she has developed skills and that she adds value to Sproing.

“I have grown both personally and professionally in ways I would never have thought I could a year ago,” she said. “My confidence has risen to new heights and when I look in the mirror I no longer see someone who is not going anywhere.

“The Wage Subsidy Services allowed Sproing to hire me even though I may not have had all the skills for the job.”

The Wage Subsidy Service provides employers financial support to help with the costs of on-the-job training and skill development for new employees.

“The Wage Subsidy Service is a great cost-effective hiring solution that allows both the employer and the employee the opportunity to determine whether a ‘good fit’ has been established,” said Heath Fletcher, with Sproing Creative.

These services are beneficial to both the employer and the job seeker who are supported for up to six months. Krystal and Sproing Creative are great examples of how it works.

“I am confident, have little stress, and I absolutely love going to work every day. I look forward to what the future holds for me now” said Krystal.


Vernon Morning Star