Jodi Cohen and Muriel Uzzell sharing writing feedback in a recent class.

Jodi Cohen and Muriel Uzzell sharing writing feedback in a recent class.

Writing workshops guide you to completing that book project

Writers want interaction, encouragement, new tools and inspiration

Writers want interaction, encouragement, new tools and inspiration.

Two upcoming workshops with Jeanette Taylor and Annette Yourk, at the Museum at Campbell River, will do just that—plus more.

One is aimed at those new to creative writing. The other will fortify experienced writers who have a project well underway. Both are applicable to nonfiction and fiction, from novels and short stories, to memoir and family history.

The workshop for aspiring writers runs on five consecutive Sundays, starting Oct. 18, 1:30 – 4: p.m. It covers the key phases, from story idea, character development and planning, to the nuts and bolts of writing craft and revisions. In-class and homework exercises are designed to get a project launched. Participant discussions and shared writing, along with a comprehensive binder of tips and articles (included in the workshop fee), will fuel continued work. For those working at an intermediate level, with a project well underway, Yourk and Taylor offer five bi-monthly sessions on Saturdays, starting Oct. 10, from 1:30 – 4 p.m.  Participants will share ideas and ongoing manuscript reviews. Weekly themes (from establishing believable characters to crafting scenes that speak volumes), will include writing prompts. There will be reading assignments to guide class discussions, based on the book “Write Away” by Elizabeth George.

Seats are limited so register early!  The fee is $140 for each workshop.  The advance purchase of “Write Away,” through your favourite bookseller, is required as part of the course.

For more information call Jeanette Taylor at 250-285-3651, or check the website: To register call the Museum at 250-287-3103.

Campbell River Mirror