You’re in love: what’s your body doing?

There's a whole lot more going on in your body than you might think

Diane Hancox

Diane Hancox

If you are looking for an interesting way to spend Valentine’s Day, the Parksville Pharmasave is offering a free workshop that will delve into the emotions surrounding love.

Clinical counselor Diane Hancox is leading the workshop called, Your Brain in Love. She will talk about what goes on, chemically, in your body when you fall in love and what happens emotionally and spiritually when you interact with loved ones. Topics include: why love makes us crazy, falling in love, love at first sight, compassionate or true love, addiction to love and a broken heart.

Hancox said she conducted a seminar on the topic last year and she had some interesting feedback. When someone asked if there was something you can buy at the drugstore to bring on that feeling of love, she responded with “alcohol works wonders.” Joking aside she said people can’t duplicate the chemicals in the brain that make your heart go pitter patter.

“Dopamine is the main one. Oxytocin is also released when we are in the fall in love stage.  It is what causes that euphoria we feel,” she stated.

She said the workshop will be interesting for anyone who wants to discuss the science and psychology of love. The fun and insightful seminar all about love starts at 10 a.m. For details or to register call the Parksville Pharmasave at 250-951-0243.


Parksville Qualicum Beach News