The 100 Mile Junior Secondary as seen this week. Brendan Kyle Jure photo.

The 100 Mile Junior Secondary as seen this week. Brendan Kyle Jure photo.

100 Mile Elementary may move to old Junior Secondary site

No timeline for the possible change of location has yet been determined

  • Aug. 30, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The 100 Mile Junior Secondary has been sitting lifeless on Cedar Avenue since School District No. 27 closed the school’s doors in the summer of 2013.

Kevin Futcher, the secretary treasurer, corporate financial officer for School District No. 27, responded to the Free Press’ inquiry into the future of the site via email.

“The Board of Education has set the property aside as the future location of an elementary school. (Replacement for the 100 Mile Elementary School.)”

According to Futcher, the building is still owned by the district.

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When asked when 100 Mile Elementary would be moving to the new site and what would go in place of its old location, Futcher replied that the district doesn’t know yet because the ministry had yet to communicate a timeline.

“Each year the Ministry of Education asks school districts to send in their capital plan for the next five years. This plan includes replacements of school buses, additions to schools, water system replacements and school replacements. SD27 has included the replacement of 100 Mile Elementary School on the five-year capital plan for approximately seven years. The district also has a second school on the list, Marie Sharpe Elementary, in Williams Lake. The ministry has not communicated a timeline for the replacement(s).”

When the Free Press reached out to the Ministry of Education, it replied via email as well.

“The Cariboo-Chilcotin School District has requested a replacement of the 100 Mile Elementary School as part of its five-year capital plan. Ministry staff are reviewing capital plans from school districts throughout B.C. to prioritize requests and move forward projects that best benefit students. Regarding future plans for sites owned by the district, all school districts are responsible for the planning and use of their properties and facilities.”

When pressed, ministry staff were unable to offer any confirmation to Futcher’s claim that the former Junior Secondary school would, indeed, be the new location of 100 Mile Elementary.

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