A COVID-19 test kit. (Photo submitted)

100 Mile House COVID cases on the rise

Roughly two positive cases a day are currently being reported

COVID-19 transmissions in the 100 Mile House area have increased over the past few weeks, according to information from the BC Centre for Disease Control.

The latest statistics from the BCCDC show that from Sept. 10 to 16, 100 Mile House saw an average daily case rate of 13 per 100,000 population. When adjusted for the population used for the region, that figure translates to just over two positive cases per day. The positivity rate for 100 Mile House is currently 12 per cent.

For the week of Sept. 1 to 7, 100 Mile House saw an average daily case rate of fewer than five per 100,000; the week prior, the average daily rate was fewer than 10 per 100,000.

In the South Cariboo local health area – which includes Clinton and 70 Mile – there was an average daily case rate of 33 per 100,000, which works out to just over two cases per day.

“We are seeing increased COVID transmission in the Cariboo-Chilcotin, with a similar pattern to what we are seeing across Interior Health,” a spokesperson for Interior Health said Monday. “Transmissions remain primarily amongst those who are unvaccinated, and therefore, your best protection against COVID-19 is vaccination.”

As of Tuesday, 100 Mile House remains among some of the lowest fully vaccinated regions around the province at 67 per cent of eligible recipients having received both vaccines. The lowest in B.C. is the Peace River South region at 52 per cent.

There are currently 53 people hospitalized due to COVID in the Interior Health region, 46 of whom are listed in critical care. There have been 219 COVID deaths in the region since the start of the pandemic.

melissa.smalley@100milefreepress.netLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

100 Mile House Free Press