BCCDC Data for Aug. 1 - 7.

12 new COVID-19 cases in Revelstoke

BC CDC reports Delta Variant responsible for 95% of cases in province

  • Aug. 11, 2021 12:00 a.m.

There are 12 new covid cases in Revelstoke between Aug. 1 and Aug. 7, according to the latest data from the BC CDC.

In a report released Aug. 6, the CDC identified the Delta variant as the main variant in circulation. Using genome sequencing the report estimates that the Delta variant is responsible for 95 per cent of cases in the province.

In the last 24 hours Interior Health has reported 258 new cases and one new death, bringing the total active cases to 2,048.

According to the BC CDC, The majority of cases in the province over the past month were among unvaccinated individuals.

READ MORE: ‘Almost no protection’: B.C. teachers concerned about returning to school as Delta ramps up

Between June 24 and July 24 BC CDC reported 1,073 new cases amongst unvaccinated individuals, 511 cases amongst those with only one dose and 99 cases amongst those with two doses.

As of Wednesday, Aug. 11, 82.2 per cent of eligible people in the province are partially vaccinated and 71.1 per cent have received two doses.

Since December 2020, the province has administered 7,114,250 doses of Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines.

READ MORE: Moderna to sign agreement to build mRNA production plant in Canada

@timvdk2tim.vanderkrogt@revelstokereview.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

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