Around 60 people attended the walk/run fundraiser, which was held in City Park.

Around 60 people attended the walk/run fundraiser, which was held in City Park.

13 year-old raises $1,500 for charity

Tessa Monaghan's fundraiser brought in over five times it's $300 goal.

Sunday’s Little Women for Little Women fundraiser was a tremendous success.

The 5km walk/run fundraiser was organized by 13 year-old Tessa Monaghan, who set a goal of raising $300 at $20 per registration.  Monaghan had been hoping to see 15 people participate, and was ecstatic to see 60 people turn up to raise roughly $1,500 for Little Women for Little Women.

Little Women for Little Women helps women and girls in Afghanistan by providing school supplies, teacher salaries, and more.


Kelowna Capital News