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15 workers test positive for COVID-19 at Abbotsford berry facility

Investigation began last Thursday into outbreak at Fraser Valley Packers

  • Jul. 27, 2020 12:00 a.m.

An Abbotsford berry processing plant has been hit with 15 cases of COVID-19, provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry reported on Monday afternoon.

Henry said an investigation began Thursday into the outbreak at Fraser Valley Packers and continued over the weekend.

“Fraser Health is working with the plant, doing ongoing testing of the workers at the plant, and doing an investigation to make sure that all of the safety precautions that need to be are in place,” Henry said.

Fraser Health confirmed in a press release issued after Henry’s comments that it first became aware of a potential outbreak when it received a positive lab test on Thursday from an employee of the plant.

RELATED: Fraser Health declares COVID-19 outbreak at Abbotsford fruit processing plant

The agency said it is screening all employees at the facility, and case and contact management in ongoing.

“Those identified as cases and close contacts have been instructed to self-isolate,” the release stated.

“The site has been inspected by Fraser Health and we are continuing to work with the facility to strengthen their COVID-19 mitigation strategies.”

Fraser Health said the plant is currently operating at reduced capacity.

Fraser Valley Packers is located on Short Road in southeast Abbotsford, not far from the Canada-U.S. border. According to its website, it specializes in the processing, freezing, marketing and distribution of blueberries, red raspberries and blackberries.

RELATED: B.C. records 81 more cases of COVID-19 in B.C. since Friday

Nelson Star