A new bridge in Heffley Creek will cost the city about $500,000 more than first estimated. Public works director Jen Fretz said staff had estimated the cost of the bridge on Old Highway 5 at $1.7 million, but the lowest bid on the project, submitted by Acres Enterpris es, was $1.8 million.
Once design, communications and contingency costs and other expenses are added in, the revised budget for the bridge is $2.18 million.
“We think that because there is so much work out there right now — which is a very good thing — we had some higher prices,” Fretz said.
The bridge will replace a failed culvert, which washed out a large portion of the road during spring flooding. Fretz said staff opted for a bridge rather than a culvert replacement because it will be longer lasting and more difficult to block with debris.
She said it’s likely a culvert would have been more expensive than expected (a staff estimate was about $1.1 million) since earth-moving and removal costs, which were the most expensive part of the bridge bids, would still be required. The city is expecting about $1.1 million from the province’s disaster financial assistance program for the work. Fretz said construction will will take place this winter, with paving to begin once weather warms in spring.