(BC Wildfire Service Dashboard)

2 new fires spark near Wolfe Lake wildfire outside of Princeton

The fires are located between Princeton and Hedley off of Highway 3

  • Aug. 5, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Two new fires have sparked near a wildfire burning north of Wolfe Lake, each located between Princeton and Hedley off of Highway 3.

The wildfire burning north of Wolfe Lake was discovered Wednesday evening (Aug. 4) and is still measured at 0.10 hectares. One of the new wildfires is located just outside of Wolfe Lake, also measured at 0.10 hectares. The third wildfire is located at Pickard Creek and is measured at 0.60 hectares in size.

According to BC Wildfire Service, the two fires near Wolfe Lake were sparked by lightning, while the cause of the Pickard Creek wildfire is unknown.

More to come.

READ MORE: Wolf Lake wildfire sparked by lightning near Princeton


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