2011 Governor General’s Award recipient: Jordyn Wear

Jordyn Wear receives the Governor General Award for the 2011 graduation year

Jordyn Wear receives the Governor General Award for the 2011 graduation year from Peter Jory, principal of LCSS on Friday, Mar.2.

Jordyn Wear receives the Governor General Award for the 2011 graduation year from Peter Jory, principal of LCSS on Friday, Mar.2.

Honeymoon Bay residents can feel justifiably proud as one of their own recently received the prestigious Governor General’s Award for 2011. Eighteen year old Jordyn Wear earned the honour as the top graduating student for Lake Cowichan Secondary School.

“We were very thrilled, she’s won so many awards but this one surprised us,” said Jordyn’s mother, Lynn Wear.

The Governor General’s Academic Medal is awarded the year after a student graduates, once all school marks and Ministry exam results have been tallied. The award has a long history, having been established in 1873 by Lord Dufferin. The prize is handed out to the top student at each high school across Canada, as well as the students earning the highest average at approved universities and colleges. Wear should feel proud as she has joined the ranks of some pretty famous fellow GG recipients including Pierre Trudeau, Kim Campbell, Tommy Douglas and Robert Stanfield.

“I wasn’t expecting it,” said Wear. “I was pretty happy when Mr. Jory (principal of LCSS) presented me with the medal and certificate.”

Wear graduated from LCSS in June, 2011 and won a full four-year scholarship to Vancouver Island University. She currently attends VIU’s Duncan campus taking humanities courses and is working towards a Bachelor of Arts degree.

“The scholarship that I won is for the top student in each school who wants to go to VIU,” explained Wear. “I applied and won it and they gave me the full ride.”

Wear is enjoying her time at VIU, although she found the initial semester took a bit of adjusting to, as university is so different than high school. She is an avid and talented writer and besides her school assignments also writes for an online short-story writing group that she belongs to.

“Writing is my first love,” said Wear.


Lake Cowichan Gazette