2014 sex assault sentencing follows admission of fact

Details of Langford incident brutal, Surrey man pled guilty in August to two assaults

Bradley Michael Muscat could spend up to a decade in jail.

Crown Council prosecutor Ruth Picha said “the Crown is seeking a 10-year global sentence” for Muscat, the Surrey man who pled guilty in August to two charges after being arrested for two crimes, one in Langford in June 2014, the other later in Surrey.

Picha said the admissions of fact, documents stating the agreed upon facts by both the prosecution and defence, said Muscat grabbed a woman from behind on the Galloping Goose trail, holding a sharp object to her neck. He eventually threw her to the ground, threatening to cut her throat if she didn’t stop screaming.

Muscat began choking her until she stopped screaming and started crying. He also stole her cell phone and took her into a clearing in the forest where he sexually assaulted her.

Muscat eventually let her go, after which she screamed for help when a truck driver stopped and called 911. She was examined at Victoria General Hospital where they took Muscat’s DNA.

Months later, the admission stated, Muscat dragged a sex-trade worker into the bushes in Surrey where she handed over more than $500 pulled out of her boot. He took the money, hit her on the head and eventually stabbed her in the side and the back when she fought back.

The woman eventually stabbed Muscat in the stomach with a knife she pulled out of her bra before he ran away. Muscat phoned 911 two hours later before heading to the hospital. His description matched that of the sex worker’s description to Surrey RCMP and he was arrested.

West Shore RCMP eventually travelled to Surrey, seizing an empty beer can Muscat had thrown away, matching DNA from it to that from the sexual assault on the Galloping Goose Trail. Muscat still had the Langford victim’s cell phone in his bathrobe when police arrested him in October of 2014.

The 21-year-old plead guilty to aggravated sexual assault of the woman in Langford, and aggravated assault for the woman in Surrey, the admissions said.


Goldstream News Gazette