2015 IN REVIEW: A look back at January in the Creston Valley

Yasodhara Ashram to rebuild temple; Creston named retirement destination; fire chief explains statistics and insurance to town council...

Manager Tammy Hardwick in the Creston Museum's 2921 Model T Ford truck.

Manager Tammy Hardwick in the Creston Museum's 2921 Model T Ford truck.

Advance editor Brian Lawrence compiled this brief review of some of the goings on in the Creston Valley found in the pages of the Advance over the last 12 months.

8 — The Yasodhara Ashram announced it would be redesigning and rebuilding its Temple of Light, which was destroyed by a fire that broke out June 5, 2014. The contract was later awarded to Nelson’s Spearhead Inc.

•Creston and area property assessments showed a slight drop, with a single-family home valued at $272,000 in 2014 valued at $268,000 in 2015, according to BC Assessment.

15 — Creston was named a top retirement destination in a Globe and Mail feature, with writer Kerry Gold saying, “They are drawn to a microclimate that means winter temperatures seldom dip below freezing, and there’s hardly any snow.”

•Town staff explained to town council the process involved in clearing Creston’s 47 kilometres of roads, designated by three priority levels.

•Creston Fire Rescue Chief Mike Moore presented statistics to Creston town council to show the department’s activity in recent years. From 2007-2014, Creston Fire Rescue responded to an average of 100 fire calls a year, plus 70 rescue calls and as many as 30 requests for public assistance.

22 — The B.C. Supreme Court issued a ban Jan. 19 prohibiting the polygamous Bountiful community from using the terms “Mormon”, “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” or “any other name that creates confusion” with the Utah-based church.

•Local government decisions on fire protection affect insurance rates, and there is no law requiring local governments to provide fire protection services to residents, Moore told council.

29 — The Teen Action Committee was on a mission to find space for a youth centre. No permanent space was found, but the group has since been using the Sasquatch twice a week for youth events.

•Shana Toale, Eric Einagle, Jordan Shaw, Evan Slater and Brett Musch were Creston Fire Rescue’s first work experience program participants. They made a one-year commitment in exchange for learning the daily routines at a community fire hall, being on call 24-hours a day and living on-site in the building across from the fire station.

Creston Valley Advance