The Williams Lake Harvest Fair popular with children and families has had to be cancelled due to the current wildfire situation around Williams Lake. Gaeil Farrar file photo

The Williams Lake Harvest Fair popular with children and families has had to be cancelled due to the current wildfire situation around Williams Lake. Gaeil Farrar file photo

2017 Williams Lake Harvest Fair cancelled due to wildfire situation around the city

President Tammy Tugnum announces fair cancellation on behalf of directors

The 41st Annual 2017 Williams Lake Harvest Fair scheduled for September 9 and 10 has been cancelled in the wake of wildfires burning around Williams Lake.

Regrettably due to a number of contributing factors, president Tammy Tugnum said it is with sincere sadness that the fair directors announce the cancellation of the fair.

“It’s a bit of a rough day,” Tugnum told the Tribune in delivering the news from the fair board of directors. “I’ve been with the fair for 26 years and this is the first time we’ve had to cancel the event.”

She said a number of situations over the past month leaves the directors with no alternative but to cancel the fair.

“This is not a decision that was made lightly,” Tugnum said.

“Given that we will be under a state of emergency from the wildfires until Aug. 18, 2017 we do not feel that 17 days is adequate lead time to finalize our event,” Tugnum said.

She said their priority has to be to the the first responders, fire fighters, contractors and the community at large.

If the state of emergency is extended it would be irresponsible to continue with the fair, she said.

The said the fair directors take pride in the event and are sad for the contestants, whether it is for the ranch rodeo, gymkhana or the exhibit hall entrants who look forward to the fair all year long.

She also expressed thanks to the volunteers who give their time planning and hosting the annual event.

She also extended a huge thank you to Black Press and The Williams Lake Tribune for their amazing support through this difficult time.

“The Harvest Fair would have celebrated the 41st Annual Williams Lake Harvest Fair this year,” Tugnum said.

“After 26 years of volunteering at the Fair I can’t remember a time that we had to postpone, delay or cancel a single event at the Fair. We really struggled with this decision and it was not easy to come to this point. We will be back in 2018 and our group has committed to helping at other events over the fall!”

Williams Lake Tribune