3 Summerland schools with COVID exposures

3 Summerland schools have COVID exposures

Giant's Head Elementary added to the list, other schools add more exposure days

  • May. 2, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Now there are three Summerland schools with COVID-19 exposures.

Interior Health has just added Giant’s Head Elementary to the list of schools with exposures to the virus.

The days for potential exposure at Giant’s Head are April 26 and 27.

Both Summerland Secondary and Middle have had COVID-19 exposures on multiple days.

Both schools have added days to when students and staff could have been exposed.

At Summerland Middle School, April 26, 27 have been added.

At Summerland High School April 26, 27 and 28 have been added.

The only school in Penticton with someone testing positive is Skaha Middle School. But that school has been taken off IH’s list. COVID-19 exposure events are posted on the Interior Health website. They are removed after 14 days, once the risk of transmission has passed.

Kelowna continues to have the most exposures with over 13 schools impacted.

READ MORE: Summerland school exposures

Penticton Western News