Two Victoria Clipper vessels pass each other. One is on the way to Seattle and the other is about to dock at the Belleville Terminal, which is set to be redeveloped. (Black Press Media Photo File)

Two Victoria Clipper vessels pass each other. One is on the way to Seattle and the other is about to dock at the Belleville Terminal, which is set to be redeveloped. (Black Press Media Photo File)

$303M redevelopment of Victoria/Washington State ferry link moves forward

Request issued for design and construction of downtown Belleville terminal

The $303-million Belleville Terminal redevelopment project has hit the next phase of improving the travelling experience for ferry passengers between downtown Victoria and Washington state.

A request for qualifications has been issued for the design and construction of this new terminal that is expected to deliver a new, secure, state-of-the-art, pre-clearance terminal for passengers and goods. Following the request for qualifications, a shortlist of qualified teams will be invited to participate in a request for proposal.

“We have moved quickly from project approval to procurement to signal that this tourism and trade corridor is critical for the region,” said B.C. Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Rob Fleming, in a news release. “An improved modern terminal will be an economic generator on both sides of the border and will make it more convenient for the hundreds of thousands of passengers traveling through it every year.”

The terminal is an international gateway for goods, services, and passengers, and drives regional and provincial growth. Approximately $174 million is spent by travellers each year, said the province, generating $268 million in economic output and $155 million in provincial GDP.

“Belleville Terminal is a critical transportation hub and gateway,” said Robert Lewis-Manning, CEO of Greater Victoria Harbour Authority, in a statement. “The terminal contributes to a thriving ocean hub providing services to both visitors and freight from Port Angeles. These visitors bring millions of dollars of new revenue to our region every year, directly supporting jobs, small businesses, and significant tax contributions.”

The upgrade will bring Belleville Terminal into compliance with the Canadian and U.S. Land, Rail, Marine, and Air Transport Preclearance Agreement. Passengers will be allowed to complete the U.S. customs and immigration process in Victoria before disembarking in the U.S., due to pre-clearance streamline travel.

With an approved budget of $303.9 million, the project is expected to be completed in time for the 2028 tourism season. The Canadian government has confirmed $41.6 million for the project. B.C. is in discussions with ferry operators, Black Ball Ferry Line and FRS Clipper to determine their respective involvement in the project.

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