442 Squadron, Coast Guard rescue injured beachcomber

The crews of an RCAF Cormorant helicopter and Canadian Coast Guard ship evacuated an injured beachcomber early Sunday morning.

The crews of an RCAF Cormorant helicopter and Canadian Coast Guard ship worked together early Sunday morning to evacuate an injured beachcomber from rocks near Side Bay, just north of Brooks Peninsula, in Quatsino Sound.

RCMP requested assistance from Joint Rescue Coordination Centre Victoria, after two men were reported overdue from a beachcombing outing.

A Cormorant helicopter from 442 Transport and Rescue Squadron took off from 19 Wing Comox at approximately 3 a.m. and joined the crew of Canadian Coast Guard Ship W.E. Ricker in a shoreline search. Crewmembers on CCGS W.E. Ricker spotted a beach fire on the shore, but were unable to reach the pair due to the hazardous rocks.

“The crew on the Coast Guard vessel did a great job in spotting the fire and directing us to where the men were, as the fire was difficult to spot from the air,” said Capt. Jean Leroux, aircraft commander. “Despite the rocks, we found a safe landing area and set down to evacuate them.”

Upon arriving at the two men’s location, Search and Rescue Technicians (SAR Techs) found that one of them was injured after falling from the rocks.

The SAR Techs stabilized the injured man for transport and the pair was loaded onto the helicopter.  Upon arrival at the Port Hardy airport, the injured man was transferred to BC Ambulance. His present condition is unknown.

— 19 Wing Comox

Comox Valley Record