A road project in the Barriere area on Highway 5, between Agate Bay Road and Darfield, includes 16 kilometres of resurfacing. Dawson Construction of Kamloops was awarded the $4.6-million contract for the work, which is now well underway.  Many highway travelers are not happy about  some of the long delays while traveling in the area, but the project is moving along quickly and expected to be completed this spring.Jill Hayward photo:

A road project in the Barriere area on Highway 5, between Agate Bay Road and Darfield, includes 16 kilometres of resurfacing. Dawson Construction of Kamloops was awarded the $4.6-million contract for the work, which is now well underway. Many highway travelers are not happy about some of the long delays while traveling in the area, but the project is moving along quickly and expected to be completed this spring.Jill Hayward photo:

450 kilometres of resurfacing for southern Interior in 2018

BARRIERE - A resurfacing project on Highway 5 near Barriere that is now well underway, marks the beginning of a busy season of resurfacing in the southern Interior region, covering more than 450 kilometres of highways and side roads.

BARRIERE – A resurfacing project on Highway 5 near Barriere that is now well underway, marks the beginning of a busy season of resurfacing in the southern Interior region, covering more than 450 kilometres of highways and side roads.

“We have promised safer roads for the people of B.C., and paving more than 450 kilometres in this region alone this year will make a big difference to local residents and those traveling through the region,” said Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Claire Trevena. “By maintaining high-quality roads and highways, we are improving peoples’ safety and keeping commercial goods moving.”

This first project on Highway 5, between Agate Bay Road and Darfield, includes 16 kilometres of resurfacing. Dawson Construction of Kamloops was awarded the $4.6-million contract for the work, which is now underway and is expected to be completed this spring.

A second project in the area will be resurfacing Highway 24, from the brake check to Highway 24/5 Junction near Little Fort (13 kilometres).

More than $85 million is being invested in highway and side road improvements in the southern Interior in 2018.

Other major resurfacing projects taking place in the region this spring and summer include:

Highway 3/95 near Creston – Resurfacing 36 kilometres of Highway 3, from Arrow Creek Road to Yahk; 11 kilometres of Highway 95, from Kingsgate to Curzon; and 23.5 kilometres of selected side roads in the Kitchener, Arrow Creek, Kidd Creek, Kingsgate, Yahk and Moyie areas.

Highway 5 near Merritt – From Portia Bridge to Kingsvale, resurfacing 38 kilometres of the Coquihalla Highway.

Highway 12 near Lillooet – 46 kilometres of resurfacing from Lytton to Lillooet, and 2.5 kilometres of overlay paving on Road 40, north of Lillooet, from Hollywood Crescent to Dickie Creek Bridge.

Highway 26 near Quesnel – Resurfacing 44 kilometres, from Wingdam to Barkerville.

Highway 97 in Kelowna – 4.6 kilometres of resurfacing, from Gordon Drive to the junction with Highway 33; 5.6 kilometres, from Edwards Street to Old Vernon Road; and 5.5 kilometres on Old Vernon Road, from Spencer to McKenzie. In addition, there will be intermittent paving between Abbott Street and Gordon Drive.

The following projects make up the rest of what will be resurfaced in the southern Interior in 2018:

* Highway 1, from Glacier National Park to Donald Bridge and selected side roads near Golden (37 kilometres)

* Highway 3, from Kootenay Pass Summit to Summit Creek near Creston (28 kilometres)

* Highway 3 and 3A, from Ooteschenia near Castlegar to Playmor Junction at South Slocan (20 kilometres)

* Highway 5, from the Nicola Interchange to Clapperton Brake Check and Coldwater Road near Merritt (32.5 kilometres)

* Highway 20, from Jourdenais Road near Hagensborg to Atnarko Slough (50 kilometres)

* Highway 20, from Redstone to the Alexis Creek/Nazko Road and McCullough Road (26 kilometres)

* Highway 97, from Deep Creek Bridge near Peachland to Glenrosa Road in West Kelowna (15 kilometres)

* Chimney Lake Road and other side roads in Williams Lake (28.5 kilometres)

* North Fork Road north near Grand Forks (25 kilometres)

While these resurfacing projects are underway, drivers can expect minor delays and, at times, single-lane alternating traffic.

Drivers are reminded to slow down, obey traffic control personnel, and to check DriveBC.ca for the most up-to-date highway information.

Follow the work of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure online at: http://www.tranbc.ca

Barriere Star Journal