North Cowichan has received $78,800 of Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program money in order to update its original Climate and Action and Energy Plan. (File photo)

North Cowichan has received $78,800 of Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program money in order to update its original Climate and Action and Energy Plan. (File photo)

$78K grant to help tweek North Cowichan’s Climate Action and Energy Plan

The municipality received $78,800

North Cowichan’s climate action plan will be tweaked and evaluated thanks to a grant from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.

The municipality received $78,800 of Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program money, funded by the Government of Canada and delivered by the FCM, in order to update its original Climate and Action and Energy Plan, created in 2013.

The award-winning plan received accolades after it was unveiled, from the Planning Institute of B.C. and the Community Energy Association.

SEE RELATED: North Cowichan honoured for its Climate Action and Energy Plan

“This grant will enable us to check the progress we have made towards our current climate action goals and help us determine the best strategies we can use to reach our long-term targets,” said North Cowichan Mayor Jon Lefebure.

“By refreshing the modelling used to generate recommendations in the original CAEP, elected officials, staff and the community can know we are using the best and latest information available in order to do our part to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change moving forward,” said councillor Kate Marsh, chair of North Cowichan’s Environmental Advisory Committee.

The funds will be used to update the original greenhouse gas modelling in terms of changes in land use and development patterns, advancements in technology and more.

Existing projects will be evaluated and new projects will be implemented with the grant.

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Cowichan Valley Citizen