Patrick Allen, 98, skydives with Nanoose Bay’s SkyDive Vancouver Island on Sunday, June 21. (Photo submitted)

Patrick Allen, 98, skydives with Nanoose Bay’s SkyDive Vancouver Island on Sunday, June 21. (Photo submitted)

98-year-old Gabriola man jumps out of an airplane for Father’s Day

Patrick Allen is oldest man to skydive with SkyDive Vancouver Island

A 98-year-old Gabriola Island man, almost 99, was given the gift of an ultimate thrill for Father’s Day.

Patrick Allen leaped from a plane high above the mid Island on Sunday, June 21, with Nanoose Bay-based SkyDive Vancouver Island.

Allison Gauvin, co-owner of the business, said Allen has made three or four skydives over the past few years and said he’s “the most amazing guy.” He’s the oldest man to have jumped with SkyDive Vancouver Island and has talked about trying to continue long enough to set a Canadian record when he’s 102.

Upon landing, Allen said he was feeling “No. 1,” and thanked his daughter and grandson for the Father’s Day gift.

Gauvin said anyone age 16 and up can skydive.

“As long as you’re relatively physically fit, you’re good to go,” she said. “Some people want to get cleared by their doctors – probably most doctors would [say], ‘uh, that’s up to you at 99.’ As long as they can get their legs up for landing … and have a really fun spirit.”

The Father’s Day weather forecast had looked iffy, but the sun came out and SkyDive Vancouver Island was still operating well into the evening Sunday.

“It started off, we weren’t sure, but it ended up great,” Gauvin said.

For more information, visit

READ ALSO: Reporter steps out of comfort zone – and airplane

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