Bailey Callihoo presents his historical fair project Building North America: The American Revolution and the British North America.

Bailey Callihoo presents his historical fair project Building North America: The American Revolution and the British North America.

A blast through the past at LCSS

The fair happens twice a year at LCSS, first at the end of the fall semester, and the end of the spring semester.

On Thursday, May 31, Lake Cowichan Secondary School hosted its annual Historical Fair.

The fair happens twice a year at LCSS, first at the end of the fall semester, and the end of the spring semester.

Historical Fair is an event in which students in Grades 9 through 11, who took Social Studies or History, participate in. It shows what they learned throughout the semester, and/or shows what interests them most in Social Studies or History.

The students who do participate in it get 5-6 weeks in which to prepare. The students showed off, for example, fashion trends in the 1600s as compared to now, the American Revolution, and many more fascinating topics.

“Being in the historical fair, although stressful, was a great experience. It taught me a lot about doing projects, and presenting them. The Historical Fair is a great way to help students gain experience in project making for their future education,” said Grade 9 LCSS student, Lauren Frost.

“It seems really fun and easy, just to make a project and sit at a table all afternoon, but it’s actually really stressful and a lot of work,” said Grade 9 LCSS student, Aislinn McKeowen-Ferris.

To particiapate in the fair, students must have good working, presenting, and communication ethics. The historical fair was a blast through the past.


Lake Cowichan Gazette